Aren't They Awesome? ;)


24 August 2010

What's in My Bag & Makeup Bag

I was tagged by Saline of LittleMookaa and Pinky of Sunnipinky to show what's in my bag since like 5 months ago! OMG, I'm really terrible to finally do it this late, I'm so sorry ladies! I don't have any reason for this except my laziness, sigh... Anyhow, here's what's in my bag if you're interested:

I love this bag from Topshop, it's very roomy!

First row: Vintage wallet & makeup pouch.
Second row: iPod, mobile phone, Clorets mints (my fave!), notebook.
Sometimes I carry a book that I'm reading at the moment in my bag too :D

In my makeup pouch:
- Hair brush from The Body Shop
- Little mirror with my Chinese name engraved on it <3
- Biore cleansing oil-in-cotton wipes
- My Beauty Diary blotting sheets
- Mac Studio Fix Powder Plus Foundation
- Canmake Lip Essence in 01
- Revlon Colorbust in Blush (my fave lipstick for touching up!)

I was also tagged by Rachel of Radiant Make Up to show what's in my makeup bag. The makeup bag I'm showing here is the one that I usually carry for a short trip. I'll carry more stuffs for a longer trip.
I love my Gussy makeup bag!

- Skinfood Aloe Sun BB Cream SPF20 PA+
- Majolica Majorca Skin Lingerie Pore Cover SPF20+ PA+
- Clinique Anti-Blemish Solution Clearing Concealer
- NYX Mosaic Powder in Spice
- Canmake Cream Cheek in 01 Peach Dream
- The Body Shop Retractable Blusher Brush
- Canmake Nudy Glow in 04 Sugar Milk Tea
- BeautyMaker Lip Essence SPF 11
- MAC Viva Glam V
- Carmex Lip Balm
- Cover Girl LashBlast Volume Blasting Waterproof Mascara (Fave mascara!)
- Diorshow Mascara (Mini)
- Revlon ColorStay 02 Coffee Bean (Fave neutral palette!)
- Urban Decay Primer Potion (Mini)
- Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil in Zero & Bourbon
- Koji Eyelash Curler No.71

Yes, I only take one neutral palette with me when I'm on a trip cause  I think it goes well with every outfit and I don't want to take too much palettes with me. That's it, I want to see what's in your bag and makeup bag too! I tag:
(Basically everyone who commented on my previous post, to RicAdeMus: you can also do this tag if you want to! :D)


Shop N' Chomp said...

Thanks for the tag, Dina =D Your pics look so organized! Haha...I must be the only chick who doesn't carry a brush with me. (That explains the state of my hair I'm sure :P ) Is the Majolica Majorca Skin Lingerie Pore Cover SPF20+ PA+ a makeup base?

(Weekend was good. I was in Vegas :)

Petite Gorgeous said...

That's a very pretty purse.

Unknown said...

you have the cutest bags!! even your make up bag is cute! ;P i'd like to see Rick do this tag. hahaha! ;P

Diane said...

I love these What's in my bag posts!

Your makeup bag and purse is so cute, I love the fabrics. Girl you carry alot in your makeup bag, you're ready for anything. I think I need to carry more things with me.

Unknown said...

that bag is so cute! i don't carry much with me - let alone a purse. I'm just TOO forgetful. I usually have my debit and license in the back of my pocket and my keys in my front right pocket. my phone in my hand. LOL the essentials. If i bring too many things - i'll lose something or forget about it - then remember I had it - so then i have to do a backtrack...which sucks. but you actually don't carry too much, plus it's very organized...i've seen others' bags and it's like omg! you can't find anything! ^_^

Lulu said...

i love your purse, i have a similar one but it's blue and white in color :) thanks for showing what's in your bag and makeup bag, i love to peak into other ppl's bag and see what they carry haha. i think i carry too much stuff :( that's why my bag is always heavy! thanks for the tag too, i did one before but it's time to do an updated one soon!! hehehe <3

Nunu said...

I am officially jealous of anyone who has access to Topshop BAH!
I also love roomy bags, I love carrying my entire life plus my kitchen sink in it xD
You should definitely try hunt down that nose pack if you can! it's absolutely brilliant!

Unknown said...

Your bags and your pouches are just too cute!! I love your Gussy bag especially. :P

MilknCookiie said...

Thank you for tagging us! I really like to watch those 'What's in my purse' videos. :P Definately going to do this tag soon!

Your bag is so organized. I try to stay organized by keeping little pouches in my bag but my things still end up all over the place. :P

♥ Milk

Ricademus said...

LOL, maybe I could take a pciture of what I carry in my pockets. Right now it's a card case (for my driver's license and credit card), a comb, a little cash, my car ignition key, cell phone (shirt pocket) and a tissue--because you never know when you're going to need a tissue!

You carry less in your bag than I expected--but the make-up pouch holds more than I thought could fit in there.

PS - Thanks for the mention! =)

serenadeveryday said...

{*Whoa!!!} you've got lots in your bag. That is a pretty spacious purse. I love posts like this. I don't know why but I'm always curious to see what's in other girls' purses. I don't know if you can tell alot about a girl from
her purse but I just love finding out what's inside.
Gives me ideas on what I need and don't need in my own bag. {*hehe} Sometimes my purse is completely empty and other times I feel like I'm lugging a brick.

Make up bag!! I'm just like you. I have one or two go to palettes or when I'm on the go. Neutrals are probably the best like you said cause they can be for any outfit and occasion. =P

Your purse portion is making me feel like I need to pack less in my purse. Or add more. I always carry my makeup pouch and it's basically all that I carry besides my wallet. >.< it's not light either. {*LoL} I need to clean out my purse now. =P

<3s Serena.

izumi said...

i love your bag! how cute :) and i love that the little pouch inside kind of matches it as well.

Lilladylife said...

love these posts!!!! thanks for sharing, the bag is so cute ( the one from top shop) love that place

♥ Starryxuan said...

your bag is so neat. I have a very messy bag :( Love the Gussy bag! :)

Ahleessa said...

I like the style of the purse! It looks really big. I happen to noticed how organized you are though... hehe~ You have a bags within a bag. We have another similarity in that... lol~ :X

Thanks for the tag!!! :)

milk tea girl said...

aw cute bag...i'm totally in love with topshop~~

Georgina said...

cute bag dina! is that your travel makeup bag? wow u made me feel bad about toting a lot of stuff on my travel bag hahaha! thanks for the tag. i've done the whats in my bag post already. but not the travel one.

Denysia Yu said...

Cute purse! I'm in love with big purses! :)

Blovet Beauty said...

thks for the tag sweetie! u have such a cute makeup pouch ( everything u need is in there)

Kristie said...

very cute purse. I think I'm really the only weirdo without any makeup in my bag. Your bag is so neat too!

Unknown said...

Your bag is so tidy!

I have old receipts, books, newspaper cuttings beads, sweet wrappers and all sorts of mess in mine!

noone said...

that's a cute makeup bag you got! and soo much stuff hehe. I don't carry around a make up pouch though lol

Shanghainese Dumpling said...

Thanks for the tag :) I've actually done a post on what's in my bag already but I haven't done one on what's in my make up bag... I might do that one day.

Thank you for Tagging :)

Anonymous said...

cute bag, it looks very roomy! You are very organized!

~Lisa said...

LOL, thanks for the tag!! This looks so fun! ^_^

Karen said...

Dina, thank you~ I'm feeling a lot better now! Your topshop bag is pretty, looks very spacious hehe. I have one of those little mirrors too, from when my friend went to HK! :P I'm very happy to see MAC Viva Glam l/s in there :)

NicRTV (陳亞任) said...

Thanks for the tag're so bag is a mess....

Anastacia said...

What a nice tag! Love seeing what is in make-up bags :) Love your organization! Very neat and clean!!

ching said...

i'm loving the print on your bag. :D

Bijin Blair said...

I looove your TopShop bag! Does it have a zipper? My mum complains whenever I buy bags without a zipper, but I still own loads without hahaha xD

We have the same TBS brush, high five babes!!!

Is Sugar Milk Tea a nice colour? I want to get more Canmake lipglosses after trying the one that you gave me =D

Anonymous said...

so much fun seeing your bag things are so organized. and that mascara looks huge lol

Tammy said...

Thanks for tagging me Dina! Hehheeh I didn't know that MBD made oil blotting sheets! :o I am so not in the know lol aww I love that you carry around a vintage makeup bag, it's so cute! <3

Ai Ellico Baja said...

OH the topshop bag is too cute!

*~kAy~* said...

Ohh... I love looking at these tags!! :) Everything looks so neatly placed! :)