Aren't They Awesome? ;)


25 November 2009

Thanks & Jill Stuart Haul

Please enter my giveaway if you haven't! Check my sidebar :)

I'm really touched by all the responses on my giveaway. i've got more than 100 entries now (of course including the extra entries :D)! you guys have really made my day :). i was surprised too when most of you commented about my layout. it makes me feel really glad that i'd chosen this layout and most likely i'll keep this layout longer or even forever! FYI, i didn't design this layout by myself. i got this from a free blog template website, you can check them out at the bottom of this page :)

some of you also said my font color is not easy to read, i'll take your advice and want to change it to a better one but i don't know what color will suit this layout and more visible or easier to read. which one do you think? (or other color? just tell me)

1. this?
2. this?
3. this?
4. this?
5. this?

as most of you voted #2, i've changed it to the color and changed the font type too. i think it'll be easier to read now :) Thanks for voting!

i've stated to leave just one comment on the giveaway post, for those multiple comments i've deleted them but i still count the extra entries so don't worry :)
also for not entry related comment, please don't leave the comment on the giveaway post. just cbox me, i always check them and will reply.

i'll try my best to make my blog better, so if there's any comment or advice for me just shoot it out :D

now for the Jill Stuart haul :D. you guys must be wondering where did i got my JS stuffs. well, two weeks ago my sister went to hongkong and of course i won't let her go without buying stuffs for me :D.

wanna see what's inside it?

Ta da...

it's not much and i'm still lemming for their other products. my fund is kinda limited, that's why... but i will get them next time :D

Mix Blush Compact - 03 Coral Glow

Illuminance Eyes - 01 Jewel Dress

Jelly Eye Color N - 10 Vintage Deco

it was so hard to choose when i didn't see the real one by myself. but luckily i choose these and i don't regret it. they are all really pretty and nice scented. the eye palette and jelly eye are very sparkly. i'm not a fan of sparkly stuffs but i love them! i couldn't stop staring these :D i know i sound weird...

so sorry i didn't swatch them, i can't bear to ruin their prettiness yet...


Diane said...

I don't think anything is wrong with your font color. But if you insist on changing it I like number 2.

Great JS haul! I wish I could own one of everything from her collection. Tell us how you like the Coral Glow blush. =)

amynaree said...

gorgeous JS haul!!! I love their blushes but have yet to try the jelly eye color

NicRTV (陳亞任) said...

I'm fine with your font goes well with the layout....

& I'm jealous of those jill stuart the blush & eyeshadows

Fifi said...

Ooh lucky you!
Jill Stuart stuffs are super cute. Love the packaging! :)
Very nice haul, indeed. :)

Carine said...

I like the packaging, it's very princess-y (this word probably doesn't exist ^^)

Lucy said...

Hi! I'm new to your blog. Of course I was attracted by your giveaway. I'd love to be able to get some Jill Stuart makeup. It's a shame there are so many products that are unavailable to us. I'm going to read your blog. I do like your layout. It's very pretty and feminine looking. Now I want to read the contents.

Toothfairy said...

love all the jill stuart goodies, they do look too pretty to touch haha!

and I don't really have a problem with your font, but if I had to choose, I'd say nr 1 or 2...


Eve said...

omggg i know how you feel! I love the packaging so much. Whatever the price, it is worth it.

Personally, I like the black font (no.2) best.

ChinkyGirLMeL said...

Oh wow. That is a lot of pretty stuff. I love the design of the eyeshadow case and colors are really cute. =) Ugh, I'm jealous now. But then again I'm not good with playing with make up. hehehee

vanilla said...

awww so pretty !haha u still cant use them yet!hehe
i love font number 2 !

Jenna said...

Nice haul =) I love Jill stuart Makeup. The packaging is so cute >.<

Lilladylife said...

I like font color 4 but I can read your text just fine.

Ahh I went to JS in HK too! I also got vintage deco, i <3 it!~!!

Lilladylife said...

Hello!!! =)
I got the vintage deco eye jelly and the blusher in the peach pastels? I think it is 05?
Did not get any others but the SA's were all beautiful and made the make up look so dolly and feminine.

Anonymous said...

so pretty!!! js packaging is so cute.

no.2 too.

Shop N' Chomp said...

Love your JS haul, Dina! =)

Bijin Blair said...

Fabulous JS haul!!!! Can't wait for swatches =D

I'm going with font #2 =D

Anastacia said...

Wow! Thats just amazing haul! The Jill Stuart goodies looks so sweet and adorable!

2,4 or even 5 would be great :P

Daituf said...

Whoa! So much Jill stuart at once! Me is jealous...:P
I almost got the jewel dress one too, but I chose fantastic light instead...
How is the palette? plan on doing an EOTD or FOTD with it? I think you should :D

Oh, and I vote for 4.

acutelife said...

I like the current font color, or number 1 is ok too :)
argh, Im yet to get my hands on JS products!!'s ok, coz I still have heaps of untouched makeups on my stash. Im not buying until at least I've touched them lolz

Jessy said...

Hi Dina, that's a very nice haul! JS packaging is so pretty..wish i can own some in the future..

I like font color no. 4! =)

Lulu said...

Hi dear :) yay for JS haul :) I love it so much! sooo pretty!!! hehehe that's so cool that your sister went to HK and got those for you :)

aww good luck with your thesis too!!! is it a senior thesis?

Blovet Beauty said...

i like font color 2 but personally i think ur font color goes with the layout! Congrats on the great response to ur giveaway too!! JS always look so pretty!!

Yumeko said...

i like color 5 since its the same color as ur comments which is easy to read

. said...

I agree with Yumeko~

And waaaaaahhh!! Would love to see a look and/or some swatches of the JS stuffs when you feel ready! xD So pretty, I'd be scared to touch the makeup!

noone said...

lovely jill stuart haul, I am obsessed with their packaging. They know how to sell! haha. Yeah black font #2 was what I was going to say too. And I just advertise your giveaway!

Glad you got the package safe :D

Jem said...

lovely haul!
im sure you'll have a grand time playing with everything

the retractable brush on the blush palette looks so cute~!

have a nice weekend,hun

Unknown said...

yayy jill stuart haul. the packaging is so sweet. and i never had problem reading your font :]

Unknown said...

dina, mamaku sakit nih. jepit tanggannya di pintu mobil, banyak pikiran kmaren mobilnya ilang. wew. nggak ngarep senin nanti dia masih sakit gini sih, but just in case dia masih kayak hari ini gw pasti nggak bisa pergi. swap pakage nya di kirim aja gimana, kalo nggak bisa ikutan ketemu hari senin? sorry banget :[
tp smoga bisa sih. ugh bingung.

~Lisa said...

I love the cuteness of Jill Stuart!! ^.^ Their packaging never fails to delight me =]

Angela said...

ah.... JS is too cute. i usually pick up something in asia too. : ) xoxo

Eva said...

wow what a pretty haul!! you should some reviews on them once you start playing with them.

Witoxicity said...

The packaging of the JS products are so glamorous! I love the colours in the Mix Blush Compact! Lovely corals. :)

Sassy J'adore said...

Hey girl!

Fabulous blog!!! =)

That's such an awesome JS haul and everything looks so pretty. I have still yet to purchase any JS products. hehe.