I went to Taiwan last week with my family and relatives for around one week. We joined a tour group, and toured from Northern Taiwan to Southern Taiwan. We did have a lot of fun but it was tiring because we changed our hotel everyday and had to wake up very early. We visited mostly scenic area. These are the highlight pics of my trip from day 1 to the last day in Taiwan :) Enjoy!
(Warning: long post & pic heavy)
Day 1: It was raining. (HSR Hsinchu Station 新竹站)
Traditional Dance at Formosa
Formosa is a theme park too, and this is one of the ride that we took.
Yes, that was us on the third row :D
Beautiful garden in Formosa
Lavender Field
Day 2: Chingjing Veteran's Farm 清境農場 in Nantou 南投
There were so many sheep in Chingjing Farm
Looks like this one was smiling to us :)
Day 3: Our resort place in Nantou 南投
The spa in our resort
Beautiful view from our resort
Day 3: Wen Wu Temple 文武廟 in Nantou 南投
From Wen Wu Temple 文武廟 we could see Sun Moon Lake 日月潭
Day 3: View from Former British Consulate 打狗英國領事館 in Kaohsiung 高雄
Sunset at Kaohsiung 高雄
Day 4: We're climbing to see something (Kenting 墾丁)
Guess what were the crowd looking at?
It was this rock, called Maobitou 貓鼻頭 (Cat's nose). We were told that it resembles to cat.
Day 5: Hualien 花蓮
Pacific Ocean 太平洋
Taroko National Park 太魯閣國家公園
Day 6: Lunch at Five Cent Driftwood House
伍角船板 in Taipei 台北
Unique interior design in Five Cent Driftwood House
Day 7:
Danshui 淡水
Spotted! Two cute dogs :)
The last day in Taiwan, we stayed just across the street from Taipei 101
Have a great day everyone! :)