Aren't They Awesome? ;)


03 January 2010

A Piece of Me... in January 2010

I decided to jump on the bandwagon and join this game that was started by Shirley of Notes from the Toothfairy. Go check out her awesome blog if you haven't done so!

This month....
I like: that my days of being a student is almost over now :D

I don't like: that the deadline of my thesis is the end of this month! OMG, i'm not even halfway done. I think I'll just have to pray that I will finish it on my time (Please God!).

I want you to know: as you can see from above, this month I'll be very busy. Probably I won't be online most of the time and not active on blogger for quite some times. So, please excuse me for that :)

I've planned: to not procrastinating anymore or else I won't be graduating on time.

I want to say to someone special: Bro, please stop stalking my blog and talking about it to somebody else. I'll feel embarrassed if someone i know in real life read my blog. So, please?

I Frequently Read Your Blog Award
I've been nominated for this award by Amy, Witoxicity, Fifi and Verina. Thanks girls!
The rules of the award is to tag 10 blogs that you read frequently.
Of course I frequently read these four ladies' blogs too. And the 10 blogs I have to tag (although obviously i read more than 10 blogs, so if you're not on the list, it doesn't mean that i don't frequently read your blog :) ) are:
Julie (Pop Champagne)
Lisa (Shop N' Chomp)
Karen (Miss K.You)
Shirley (Toothfairy)


Diane said...

HAHA! I was laughing so hard at your "I want to say to someone special" Haha, my husband does the same thing! Sometimes we're having dinner with friends and he'll bring up my blog, and I turn bright red! Geez. boys just don't get it. =)

Good luck with your thesis! LOL I don't miss those days =)

ChinkyGirLMeL said...

Hey there! Happy New Year once again. So, this year your student days will finally be over? awww... I miss my college days, that was a lot of fun, work life is just soooooooooo different. Good luck with everything and on your thesis. take care. =)

Kasia said...

Haha the message to your brother is awesome. I love it :D
Thank you for the tag dear :*

Toothfairy said...

hey love! Thanks for the award, and for participating in my little game!

good luck with graduating, writing the thesis is a pain! I'm sure you'll do fine, go focus on it, we'll be waiting for you!


hanidee said...

LOL at the comment to your bro, haha. I totally feel you though. You're going to graduate soon! I'm supposed to graduate since last semester, but I had to drop a class, so now I still linger on in school, haha. Thank you so much for the award sweety!<3

Calia Yang said...

YAY!! So glad you'll be graduating soon!! ^_^ YOU CAN DO IT!!! Good luck on your thesis and you're quite excused from the blogger world til you finish up. I think that's much more important than trying to keep up with bloggin'. BUT you'll have to let us know allllll about it when you post again! ^_^

I totally laughed out loud about your "I want to say to someone special" comment LOL too hilarious!

Tammy said...

Good luck on your thesis this month!! :D

Catherine said...

Oh man! Good luck on your thesis!!! Must be so exciting being so close to graduation though! :D

And LOL... I would be so weirded out if my brother read my blog...

NicRTV (陳亞任) said...

Thanks for frequently reading my blog even if it lacks blog posts...hehe....and girl...I also don't want anyone I know in real life to read my blog...

Zoe said...

Good luck on ur thesis..ur brother does the same thing my sisters do to me^^;

Thanks for the award..Something will be sent to u to cheer u up for ur thesis^^

Shop N' Chomp said...

Thank you, Dina! *hugs*

Hee hee...your message to your bro is just too cute. I hope he stops too! Good luck on your thesis, hun. We know you will do well! :D

Bijin Blair said...

It's so cute that your brother stalks your blog! hahaa =D

Thank you so much for the award =D

Anonymous said...

Happy new year hun!

The funny thing about being students is most students at the beginning of uni want it to end as soon as possible & then towards the end we don't want it to end. ><"

Goodluck with your thesis!!

noone said...

awww thank you for the award! I want to pass it back to you also because I pretty much check your blog every time you update as well! :D and congrats on almost being done being a student, then you wont' have to work after 5pm or weekends hehe

acutelife said...

Dina, all the best for your thesis!!if we dont get a chance to hang out this time, there will be another time ok ;) Im leaving this weekend so maybe I'll see you next time I come up here again :)

amynaree said...

lol! i tell my bf the same thing, to not tell people about my blog because it just feels weird to have someone you know read it

michelle_ said...

so lucky that your days as a student is almost over . i still have like 1 year to go.. PLLUSS i need to do some interning as well -_-"
marvelous blog post !
keep me updated with ur new posts :D id love to check 'em out !

thanks for taking the time to comment and visit my blog .
visit / comment / follow me back at..
* GLISTERS and blisters *

Unknown said...

is that means you'll graduate soon? omg i'm jealous!

trishie said...

Congrats on the award and Happy new year!

Denysia said...

Your brother reads your blog? I kind of wished my brother would read my blog, but I'm pretty sure that halfway through his eyes would be getting sleepy, and he would close the screen!

Karen said...

Dina, thanks so much for the award! I'll pass it on soon :) Good luck with your thesis and with graduation! I know you can do it. What will your thesis be on?

Carine said...

i wish you luck for your thesis !

Dana Yoshimizu said...

HAHA, I like the "I want to say to someone special" part! That's how I feel about my family >.< My dad especially. One day he'll randomly be like "You know on your blog..." LOL and then start a convo with me! ahaha, or my sister will be like "Oh... 'so-and-so' said they like your lastest blog post"

MiuMiu said...

thanks for the comment =)
the pictures of the grilled shrimp is making my mouth water XD

Stephanie said...

yeah, i know! I don't want ppl from real life reading it too much!

Jordy said...

Well i have another award/tag for you...
I have given you an award on my blog.

Manju said...

Dinaaaaaaaa!!! osrry abt being M.I.A.
thank you for including me, you're too sweet :D
good luck with the thesis babes

Witoxicity said...

Oops, am very late with this but it's not the end of the month yet, so you must still be working on your thesis! Hey, good luck with the thesis. Concentrate on it. We bloggers will still be here when you return!

Love what you said to your bro. So funny! :D